In addition to (infrequently) writing essays for The Essence of Water, I have another blog, The Deckle Edge, where I write about books, authors, and ideas. Last fall I added a podcast to The Deckle Edge where I interview writers to learn about their backgrounds and how and why they do their work. Its an excuse for me to have an extended conversation with interesting people, while helping them promote their work. It has been an enormous and unpredicted joy. Early on I invited guests whose books I enjoyed and reviewed or who I knew had a new book being released. These were engaging discussions and I began learning the craft of how to interview writers. As the podcast developed, I began asking guests “who should I be reading?” and “who would make a great guest?” That has afforded me warm introductions to authors and poets I might not have otherwise encountered or who might not otherwise have given me the time of day. It’s been a delightful surprise and the guest list has evolved in a serendipitous way. It has also made me feel part of this community of writers, like I’ve somehow pierced a veil into a previously hidden world.
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