Robots at the opera

Conflict between humans and machines has become a fertile theme for futurist science fiction.  The Matrix films explore some philosophical issues about personal and political freedom, within the context of a brutal struggle between the subterranean community of human survivors and, at surface level, the tyrannical empire ruled by their electronic adversaries.   By contrast, the Blade Runner films imagine a world in which ‘replicants’, designed and made by powerful corporations, serve humans through their work – mostly collaboratively, but sometimes not – while lacking the status and rights of ‘people’.  If Matrix suggests a war for human survival once the machines have taken over, Blade Runner suggests a civil rights campaign for machines, in a world run by humans.

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How many books have you read, a friend asked, in your life?

Not an easy question to answer, having neglected to keep a list.  In the absence of documentary evidence, I resort to a process of estimation.  This will require some clarification of each of the terms of the question. Continue reading “Books”


In a recent article in the New York Review of Books, the Oxford historian Diarmaid MacCulloch described the source of the divergence in forms of art routinely displayed in Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant churches.  The major Christian denominations disagree about a wide range of matters of doctrine and practice, about which they have argued for many centuries, and one area of dispute concerns the appropriateness of certain objects and images in places of worship.   MacCulloch pointed out that the varieties of church practice with regard to the display of images stem from differences in the interpretation of Hebrew scripture, in particular disagreements about whether, in the Book of Exodus, the first commandment is really comprised of two commandments, or, to put the contrary view, whether the second in not really a commandment at all, but only a coda to the first.

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Imagined colloquies

As I was reading, my gaze wandered from the page of text and out through the upstairs window, where on a clear day I can watch the Atlantic sweeping in towards the beaches of County Donegal.  That day, grey mist and drizzle blurred the horizon line, the sky and the sea lost in vaporous obscurity:  not unusual for Ireland in July.  My attention briefly returns to my book until my phone alerts me that a text has arrived.  It is from my friend who, like me likes to read.  We often talk books together.

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The gymnasia are closed, as are the sports centres and swimming pools.  People are taking exercise in the parks: they are walking, running, cycling, skipping, lifting weights, boxing, dancing, stretching, and playing football and cricket.  It is good to see children and adults – of all ages and sizes – trying to keep healthy, in body and mind, by working their muscles and their lungs.  The spring and summer months, even in London, are conducive of outdoor activity most days.

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