My Philosophy: On leading a considered life

In the days when I worked in the financial services industry, from time to time someone would discover that my academic background was neither in economics nor finance (nor mathematics, nor physics) and would ask me whether I thought my training in philosophy was of benefit or of hindrance to my work.   This question was usually asked in such a tone as to suggest that studying philosophy would – rather obviously -­ be inadequate as a preparation for a successful career in finance.   I tried my best to make the contrary case.

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Provoked and distracted

I had planned to write about philosophy.  To be precise, to write about my personal philosophy: what it is and how I came to it.   I intended to approach my theme obliquely, by saying something about economics.  I still plan to do this, but not today – and, therefore, not this year – because I have been distracted.  Instead, in this text I will write more directly about economics, because that is now the subject at the front of my mind.

Continue reading “Provoked and distracted”

The intellect and the will

Two weeks ago, another deadline passed, and nothing happened.  The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland remains a member of the European Union.  For the third time this year my country failed in the task it has set itself.  We will try again next January.  In the meantime, we will have a general election.  One of my American friends reminds me of some lines from a famous song from the late seventies: “You can check out any time you like/ But you can never leave.”   Hotel Brussels doesn’t quite capture the glamour associated with the original lyrics, but the message of the song continues to resonate:  wanting is not the same as getting.

Continue reading “The intellect and the will”

General Specific

When I was a teenager, one day during a history lesson my teacher quoted Lord Acton, the nineteenth century British historian: power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  I was of an impressionable age and this was exactly the sort of epigram that appealed to me: short and poetic in form, but deep and insightful in meaning.   I made a mental note to remember and apply it in my thinking.  For someone disposed to play the intellectual rebel – as I was then and am now – the quotation has much to offer, since the authority figures who disapproved of my free-thinking could now be dismissed by me not just as reactionaries, but as corrupt reactionaries.  Fathers, teachers, ministers of religion: all are men of power and, drawing on Acton’s sharp observation, it was easy for me to assert that to the degree that they were powerful they were also corrupt.

A year or so later, I saw a paperback copy of Acton’s essays in a second-hand bookshop, which I bought (obviously: the habits of a lifetime, by definition, start when we are young), brought home, and then started to read.  I was surprised, indeed disturbed to discover that I had been seriously misled by my teacher.  What Acton had written – in a letter, as it happens, the text of which was included in the book of essays – was this: power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  He had qualified the abrupt and striking claim in the first half of his sentence by two words that significantly changed its meaning.  Not power corrupts but power tends to corrupt.

A tendency is not an inevitability; the universal cannot be presumed but requires reference to the particularity. In future, before dismissing the utterances of the powerful as the voice of corruption, I would have to assemble some actual evidence for such a claim: it might tend to be true in general but was it also true in this specific case?  Knowledge, I had discovered, is not the same as pithiness.  A good lesson to learn young, for sure, but one that is not always ready at hand, not always the mind’s preferred approach, because the world is easier to deal with when it can be described in simple terms, using straightforward intellectual constructions that can be applied – lazily, if we are being honest – to any and every example that comes to mind.

We are readily disposed to make use of general categories into which we can gather all cases.  It is instinctive; perhaps an instinct cultivated by our determination to survive.  In a recent conversation, driving north from Boston (MA) to Scarborough (ME), Peter mentioned Stephen Jay Gould, the famous Harvard palaeontologist, who wrote many popular books about evolutionary biology.  I once heard him give a public lecture in London (UK) on the question, Is there such a thing as human nature?  His answer: the human brain has evolved to deal well with type-type recognition (“she ate red berries and was buried; these berries are red so I better not eat them”) but deals poorly with statistical analysis (“of the twenty types of red berry in our local habitat, only one is poisonous to humans; so most red berries, including this one, are unlikely to harm me”).  Thus, he concluded, while it is not clear that there is such a thing as human nature, it is clear why humans are predisposed to think that there is: we tend to think in types.

Whether or not we have an evolutionarily acquired disposition to classify everything and everyone into groups, at the very least it seems clear that in our speech we are prone to adopt the short-form unqualified generalization.  In part, this is because the rhetorical force of brief, bold statements is much greater than longer, subtle ones.  Slogans are better able to mobilise minds, both for the personal and the political.  Benjamin Franklin – also of Boston (MA) –  was adept at crafting pithy sayings, which are easily remembered because they pay no account of the occasions on which they don’t apply:  an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest sounds so much better than an investment in knowledge of certain kinds, will likely provide a better return than many other forms of spending, but not in all cases and not over all time periods, despite the fact that the latter is true and the former is not. Likewise, the claim that the philosophers have only interpreted the world, the point is to change it could be made much more accurate through further elaboration but would almost certainly lose its appeal and become less memorable in the clarifying process.

I am tempted to say, “always avoid unqualified generalizations”, except that this warning is itself an unqualified generalization, and thus to be avoided.  Instead, I recommend acknowledgment that, “carefully qualified statements about specific cases are more likely to be true (and, therefore, more likely to be helpful) than unqualified statements about general cases; although this is not always the case, because every general rule has important exceptions, thus demonstrating that rules are mostly derived from statistical norms rather than universal truths, except in those very rare cases when they are universally true”.   I hope that is clear.

To summarise, as pithily as I am able: error tends to brevity, but accuracy tends to prolixity. But please note well, as Acton did, the important qualifying role of tendency.

My recent visit to the US provided two illustrations of this point.   What might the weather be like in New York City during the fourth week in September?  Nowadays that’s an easy question to answer, since the Internet is awash with meteorological data.  A brief search provided me not only with the average temperatures, both highs and lows, plus daily rainfall (all very useful information) but also data on the range of cases that might be encountered.  In other words, not just the mean for heat and precipitation, but also how far the extremes in both directions might stray from that mean.  I could therefore predict not just what was likely but what was possible.  All very interesting as a summary of general weather history for the city, but for me, visiting specifically during the fourth week of September in the year 2019, and wondering what to pack – should I bring sun-glasses and sun-cream, or a raincoat and a hat? – the more pertinent question was, What will the weather be like in NYC next week?  That the mean temperature ranges between 16 and 25 Celsius is interesting, but not what I most cared about, for which I needed an accurate weather forecast, rather than rich data on historical averages.  (As it happens, the city enjoyed higher than average temperatures, closer to 30 than 25 most days that week.)

En route to New York, as Peter drove us from Scarborough (ME) to Boston (MA) to catch the Amtrak train to Penn Station (NY), we talked about our time working together at the investment management subsidiary of a global financial firm, back at the start of this century.  It was a pleasure to reminisce.  Later that day, staring out of the train window at the New England countryside, I thought about my last couple of years of employment there, when I was asked by the CEO to set up and then chair a Diversity Committee for the European office.  As part of this process, I interviewed the (mostly male) members of the Senior Management Team, to solicit their thoughts about the current state of diversity within the firm (very simply: dire) and what should be done about it (very disappointingly: not much).

I remember well a conversation with one senior manager, who told me, with no hint of embarrassment, that the reason why there were no women in his investment team (to be clear, none at all: not just fewer than 50%, but actually 0%) was because to be in his team required a high level of competence in mathematics and – alas! – women were just not as good at maths as men.  This from a Managing Director of a firm which insisted that all its investment strategies should be thoroughly evidenced by data and implemented with care, to achieve good performance and avoid the concentration of risk.  In other words, his team only bought assets for our clients after they had taken account – at great expense of research time – of the detailed characteristics of each asset, its likely performance and how it would help to diversity the existing portfolio.  When we hired staff for our business, however, the firm paid almost no attention to well-documented evidence of skill acquisition and learning potential, relying instead on the intuitive judgments (also known as the prejudices) of the senior managers.  Rather than ensuring that new hires brought diversity to the existing team, as a matter of deliberate choice we concentrated our risk by repeatedly hiring in our own image.

This story is neither unusual nor surprising: it reflects how the finance industry was, and in many cases still is.  For all its sense of being at the cusp of innovation and change, it remains – mostly – a place of conservatism and embedded privilege.  As Stephen Jay Gould explained, we tend to think in particular ways, because as a species we have evolved to give precedence to type-type recognition ahead of a rigorous statistical examination of the data.  We tend to think in ways that proved very successful at an earlier stage of our evolution, but which might not be so helpful for our next survival challenge; and we find it hard to abandon what worked well last time around.  However easy this is to understand, it is impossible to excuse.  Sloppy thinking is sloppy, irrespective of its evolutionary pedigree.  And not just sloppy, but also dangerous, wrong and unjust.  Knowing the average tells us nothing about the individual.  The mean is not the best.

We need to remind ourselves regularly that many red berries are edible and that some are delicious; we need to acknowledge that some women are not just good at mathematics, but better than most men; and, based on recent experience, I can assure my readers that sometimes the last week in September is the perfect time to visit NYC, when the sky is bright blue and the sun is warm, and Manhattan becomes – as Ella sang – an isle of joy.


Across the border

Two days ago, I flew from London to Belfast, which takes just over an hour, traversing the Irish Sea but remaining at all time within the airspace of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.  This is not so unusual: flying from Melbourne to Hobart takes around the same time and – likewise – crosses a sea but not a national boundary; and the flight I took in December 2017 from Oakland to Kona took five and a half hours, travelling over a large expanse of the Pacific Ocean and across three time-zones, just to move from one of the fifty constituents of the United States to another.

Later that day, driving from Belfast to Co Donegal, on the west coast of the island of Ireland, took close to three hours.  At one point in the journey – as I crossed the River Foyle, by the bridge that connects Strabane and Lifford – the road signs began to announce the speed limits in kilometres rather than miles per hour.   Another helpful notice reminded me – in English, French and German – that I should drive on the left-hand side of the road, as both the British and the Irish have always done.  These signs drew my attention to the fact that I had just crossed the border: I was now in the Republic of Ireland.

Here, the dark line on the map runs along the river, where it was drawn nearly one hundred years ago.  What the line represents – for the past, the present and the future – is hotly contested on both sides.  Like the water that flows down from the Sperrin Hills, into the Foyle estuary and out to the North Atlantic Ocean, the meanings that attach to the line are in constant flux and flow: you never cross the same border twice, as O’Heraclitus said.  Drawing a line on a map and calling it a border is a simple solution to complex problem, merely delaying the need to find a better, more lasting resolution, and at the price of making this patch of ground (or riverbed) the focal point for seemingly endless conflict.  Which side of the line you come from is supposed, by many, to determine which side you will find yourself in other disputes and disagreements.

The line on the map that now separates Northern Ireland from the Republic of Ireland was initially intended to create two self-governing provinces (one primarily Protestant and one primarily Catholic) on the island of Ireland, both of which would remain part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.  Now, one hundred years later, it seems as if it might soon become the hard border between the United Kingdom and the European Union, a barrier designed to control and restrict free trade and free movement.  The boundary has therefore become economic rather than theological, but this has improved neither the quality of the debate, nor the level of responsibility for the consequence of their actions, among politicians about why a line might be needed and how it should be managed.  Each century has its own dogmas, which attract the energies and enthusiasms of the dogmatists.  Times change, waters flow, intransigence remains.

Drawing a line on a map, to segregate people according to their religion, became the standard British approach in the twentieth century, allowing us to abdicate responsibility for the social and economic consequences of imperialism, and to re-assert our “greatness” in world affairs, all other evidence to the contrary.  The planned partition of Palestine, where Britain had been granted a mandate to govern after the collapse of the Ottoman empire in 1918, failed in the 1940s leading to war and seventy years of displacement and exile for the Palestinian people.  The partition of Punjab and Bengal, to carve West and East Pakistan out of the Empire of India in 1947, precipitated mass migrations, murder, rape and abductions, and in due course a civil war.   (The British judge, who drew those two lines, around 3,800 miles in length, spent six weeks on the task having never previously visited India).

This is not to say that before these border lines were drawn, everyone in Ireland, Palestine and India lived peaceably with their neighbours.  There have always been arguments between and within communities, sometimes based on religious differences, but often on other grounds too.   Building peace and prosperity is a multi-dimensional project, which takes time, skill and resource.  It is a task for us all, not one that can be delegated to the cartographers.  Lines on maps do not change the way people feel about their neighbours, but merely give them a highly visible objects to fight over with their neighbours: the line concentrates the mind, accentuates the differences, focuses the anger.

Later today, I will fly into City Airport in East London.   When the plane touches down I will feel that I am back home: not because I have re-entered the United Kingdom (an event that will take place hours earlier when I cross from Co Donegal to Co Londonderry) but because, however much I enjoy spending time on the island of Ireland, it is in East London that I feel most myself; where I feel I belong.  Why?  Because London it is not a nation but a city; not full of one sort of people, but of many; not a holy shrine, but a secular metropolis; not the place I come from but the one I chose to move to.  It is a home that I share with many others who want to create their own sense of who they are, rather than inherit to it; to live in the present rather than inhabit the past; to be defined by character and not by location.

This cosmopolitanism ideal is not new.  It dates to the Stoics, one of the early schools of Athenian and Roman philosophy, many of whose leading thinkers were originally neither from Athens nor Rome, but who travelled to those cities because that was where the intellectual life of the ancient Western world was primarily conducted.  One theme of Stoic thought emphasizes that the truly ethical life can be lived anywhere, and everywhere; it is not where you are from, nor your current status in society that matters; rather how you choose to live you life, how you choose to develop your character.  The Stoics were the original citizens of the world, for whom the person, not the place, matters most.   Of course, it helps to live in a place where there are many others who share this belief: cosmopolitanism is not an easy choice when surrounded by those who believe in blood and soil.

Later this week I will board another plane to fly again across the water, this time to Boston, coincidentally a city with some strong Irish connections.  There I will be met by Peter, and driven to his home in Maine, close to the border between Canada and the United States of America, a line drawn on a map, between two former British colonies, which has turned out to be less contentious than most.  There we will be joined by Viktoria and one or two others, for a weekend of conversation alongside the sharing of food and wine.  We all come from different places – different nations, cultures, languages, education and employment – and yet our lives have intersected in somewhat random ways, and we have discovered common interests and attitudes, shared values and ideals.  We will make a mini-community – just a few of us for just a few days – but we will not need to draw lines on a map to do so.

I understand that out ability to meet as friends is premised upon our enjoyment of privileges – money, time, education, employment opportunities – that are not evenly shared around the world.  I also know that many of those who are most determined to draw lines on maps, and to assert the importance of these boundaries, are themselves privileged people.  Borders are generally not the work of the poor, but devices constructed by the rich and powerful, who want to keep what they have and not to share with others, whose wealth is measured by the quantity of what they own rather than the quality of who they are.  Enclosed lands are the product of enclosed minds, another reason for wanting to pull down the fences.

While I am lucky enough to be able to cross the border, I will continue do so.