Do it well

Another weekend in Seattle.  My son was lovely this weekend, his spring break starting on Friday afternoon with his last after school science club meeting (he’s starting golf on Mondays after the break).  We only had three days together but the same small pile of things came over from his mom’s house: the bag of Lego trains which would be disassembled and reassembled several times, swim trunks, craft books from the library, skateboarding items, golf clubs (despite the wind and rain for the weekend), stuffed bear, box of science projects.  Once he got to the apartment everything had its place and we settled into games of Sorry, cheeseburger lunches, afternoon activities, and more games of Sorry.

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Conrad’s fools

I’ve been rereading Joseph Conrad of late.  I was looking for books a few weeks ago at a book shop in Seattle and came across Nostromo, which I vaguely remembered reading many years ago but once I started reading it last weekend I realized I hadn’t read it before, I had only purchased the book and intended to read it.  As often happens, though, you read truly great books when you need to read them, not before.

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Checked out

I went to my local library in Scarborough last week, which was probably the first time I’d been in a local library since I was in college.  I needed some books for the flights back and forth to Seattle for the weekend, knowing that I’d be at risk of getting delayed somewhere, so I borrowed my dad’s library card and browsed for a bit.

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