Have you ever fallen? I mean falling hard on the ground – smack, thud, scrape. It could have been some time you fell off a wall or down a hill, or you lost your balance on your bike and scraped the road, or maybe you were trying to carry something heavy and you lost your balance. If you’re able to pay attention to your body as you’re wavering and tipping over, you’ll sense a quivery feeling in your limbs and your gut well before you actually lose your balance, before your momentum tips entirely. It’s the last chance you get to right yourself – your body is giving you a warning shot. You can avoid the plunge but only with a bit of an heroic effort, and only if you know you don’t want to drop.
Our bodies are real, beautiful, material things, and as such, they are subject to gravity on this earth. And if you look at our bodies, they are well designed for most of what we do, but then we push them and do dangerous things beyond their design limits. Falling is one of the inevitable results. We learn as children to use our muscles to adjust our balance and prevent falls before they occur. The mind and soul learn to fear uncontrolled surrenders to gravity, learning the lessons of the breaks, bruises and scrapes of our physical self.