
Here in the states, there’s an insurance company called GEICO – the Government Employees Insurance Company – which is owned by Berkshire Hathaway (Warren Buffett’s investment vehicle). They’re known for their tongue in cheek advertisements, one of which currently involves a motivational speaker who teaches people to “not become their parents” when they become homeowners. The conceit is that once you buy a house, you’ll start wearing Members Only jackets, buy throw pillows with embroidered trite expressions, and stop knowing how to interact with wait staff at restaurants without speaking too loudly and asking embarrassing questions. It works, although how it relates to bundling auto and homeowners insurance does escape me. In any event – I’ve come to realise lately that I’ve descended into post-middle age crankiness: I’m writing on the local newspaper’s comment section.

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Not far from where I live in London there is a small museum dedicated to modern Italian art.  It was founded to display the collection of Erik and Salome Estorick, who lived in England for some years in the late 1940s and early 1950s, from where they travelled regularly to Italy to meet with artists and buy paintings and drawings.  In the museum’s permanent collection there are several works by Giorgio Morandi, the greatest European still-life painter of the twentieth century and, whenever I visit the museum, I like to spend some time in the room where his work is on display.  His etchings achieve a wonderful sense of depth by means of simple variations in the density of the lines, while in his paintings, with their narrow range of creamy blues, greys, and whites, he generates a curious combination of calmness and vitality. 

The English term “still-life” refers to paintings that portray neither the human figure nor the landscape, but everyday household objects: vases, glasses, and pots in Morandi’s work; other painters have included cutlery, bowls, dishes, flowers, fish, vegetables, fruit, musical instruments, pens, ink, manuscripts, and books. Still-life painting draws attention to the technical skill of the artist – the ability to represent light and shadow on a wide variety of shapes and surfaces – while also drawing attention to everyday objects to which we often pay little heed.  One of the best books of art criticism that describes the history and characteristics of the genre, by Norman Bryson, is called Looking at the Overlooked, which nicely captures the sense that these paintings are designed to remind us of what is familiar but routinely neglected.  Sometimes these artworks include hourglasses or clocks, to signal to the viewer the importance of the passage of time, and in other cases they include human skulls, to signal that life is finite.   The French name for the genre, nature morte, translates literally as “dead nature”, which make this point rather more bluntly than its euphemistic English equivalent: inert matter might sometimes be overlooked in its stillness, but organic matter is always in transit from birth to death.

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So June 19 is the anniversary of something important in American history – it’s the day that, officially, the abolition of the legal institution of slavery was promulgated in the last rebel state to lay down arms in the Civil War, Texas. There had been the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 but that was a bit of a con job: Lincoln announced that slavery was outlawed in those states that had rebelled against the Constitution and the Union, but the Union largely had no control over the regions affected – and in states that had not rebelled, slavery remained legal. The 13th Amendment to the US constitution declared slavery illegal in all of the United States in December of 1865, but with the military defeat of the rebel states in April of 1865, the Union government had the power and the authority to enforce the Proclamation of 1863, and it was finally promulgated in that last large bastion of slavery on June 19, 1865. Given that both Mexico and Canada had long since eliminated the peculiar institution, we can thus celebrate June 19 – Juneteenth, as it came to be known by the newly freed black in the South – as the last day of chattel slavery in North America.

And as we all know, it was not the last day of racism in continental North America. Or anywhere.

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Backwards and forwards

I started to write this text on Bloomsday, famously the calendar day on which James Joyce’s great novel Ulysses is set.   Joyce borrowed the title and structure of his book from Homer, although Odysseus (to give him his original Greek name) took ten years to travel from Illium to Ithaca after spending ten years fighting at the siege of Troy, whereas Leopold Bloom wanders around Dublin for fewer than twenty hours.  Joyce is said to have chosen to set his story on 16th June 1904 because that was the day of his first romantic outing with Nora Barnacle, whom he later married, although it is not clear to me whether this act of homage was to celebrate her loyalty to him, as Penelope to Odysseus, or her disloyalty, as Molly to Leopold.   

I have been re-reading Ulysses at a leisurely pace, enjoying its jokes, provocations, and digressions, alongside its description of the many ways in which we are prone to self-deception but also capable of moments of self-enlightenment, and for its sympathetic reminder that during the journey of life youthful ambition often develops into mature disappointment.  Along with several other lengthy novels published in the 1920s and ‘30s – Proust’s In Search of Lost Time, Mann’s The Magic Mountain, Musil’s The Man Without Qualities – Joyce’s work invites a slow pace, allowing the reader to savour the complex meanderings of plot and explorations of character.   For all my enjoyment of his work, I had not been planning to write about Joyce in this text, the theme of which is our sense of a persistent identity through the passage of time.  Then, a day or two ago, I came across this incident in Ulysses, which acted as a catalyst for my thoughts.

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The spectre of good literature

It is reported that Harold Macmillan, heir to a successful publishing company, claimed that one of the pleasures of becoming British Prime Minister was that he had more time to read novels.  That was almost sixty-five years ago, and it is not a statement one could imagine a contemporary Western political leader making.  For one reason, modern politicians like to present themselves as ordinary people, just like the voters whom they represent, and since they assume that most voters do not read books they likewise pretend not to.  Instead, they allow themselves to be filmed playing golf, watching football, and taking their kids to the cinema, to celebrate their normality, to reaffirm their averageness.  The second reason is that they think they are much too busy, rushing from one meeting to another, speed-reading briefing documents and policy papers, talking with special advisors and party operatives, worrying about the daily news cycle, and the changing trends in the polling data that they collect incessantly.  The closest they might come to admitting to opening a real book, as opposed to a policy file, is when they publicise their annual summer holiday reading list, which will tend to be a small number of fashionable non-fiction titles, thereby trying to connect themselves to certain popular concerns of the day. 

Reading for pleasure is considered a luxury, or worse an indulgence that the modern politician can and should do without.  This is especially true of the reading of fiction – or “story books” – which is assumed to be appropriate only for children and those adults with surplus time on their hands, such as pensioners or academics.  By contrast, those who carry the burden of responsibility of government – in “the real world” – consider themselves too busy to be bothered with make believe.

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